When our love for nature is abundant, but a desire to ‘save’ it is stifled by a conditioning that distracts us with endless consumption and social introspection, a re-evaluation of our priorities and of our perspective on life is required.
Within our communities, despite a superficial awareness of the need for recycling and sustainable resources, there is a lack of understanding of the greater implications of these subjects, the worst offenders, and how deep our damage to the planet has gone.
Through technology our capacity for communication has increased, but our feeling of connection has become more distant. These technologies are intrinsically reshaping our society, while we are mostly oblivious to the creep of these changes. Endless marketing and agenda driven media provide a distorted view of reality, and individuals feel a greater disconnection from social structure and value.
Our commitment to capital, to guide the direction of our progress and priorities, has lead us to desperate inequality, wanton waste of human and material resources, and destruction of the natural world on an industrial scale in the name of profit. A policy that makes absolute financial sense can easily be shown as utter madness from an alternative perspective.
When we see our impact on the world in isolated sound bites we feel a fleeting outrage, yet fail to absorb the scale of our effect. As a tool for communication, art has the advantage of not relying solely on the limitations of language and intellect, but can impart a lasting emotional realisation of a truth that may be hidden from waking consciousness.